How We are Helping to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
Our staff have been working tirelessly to ensure that the clinic space will be as safe as possible for the return of our clients. We have implemented many new policies and procedures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Here are some examples of what we’re doing:
Staff and clients are encouraged to self screen for Covid symptoms prior to coming to the clinic.
Although masks are no longer required in health care settings, patients are welcome to wear a mask should they feel more comfortable doing so. Our staff is more than happy to wear a mask if patients would prefer they do.
There will be multiple sanitation stations for clients and staff to disinfect their hands
COVID-19 rated disinfectant will be used on all touched surfaces
All washing/drying of linens will be done at the hottest temperature possible
Social distancing will be in effect. When at all possible, people will stay six feet apart from one another
How to Prepare for an In-Clinic Appointment
1) You must have an appointment booked before coming to the clinic.
2) If you currently have ANY symptoms your appointment will need to be rescheduled.
Please contact us if you have any questions.